About Me

I am Haizhou "Hydro" Li, a graduate student in Computer Science in Metropolitan School, Boston University. I obtained my bachelor's degree at Virginia Tech in Data Analytics in Economics. I work with Professor Dokyun Lee as a Research Assistant for Chen Jing Ph.D at the BIT Lab.

My research interests include deep learning, applying machine learning, data analysis, Algorithm, and data mining. I have worked on automatically checking abnormal data and predictive models for company cost by using data analysis.

Research Projects

Deep Learning NLP algorithm (Natural Language Processing) models.
Research Assistant for Doctor Chen Jing (Boston University). Mentor: Dokyun (DK) Lee (Boston University)

Work in progress and updated on GitHub

Economic regression analysis on How the properties of applicants affect credit card application result. GitHub
Individual Researcher. Mentor: Ali Habibnia (Virginia Tech)
2020.8 – 2020.12

Last name categorization in census analysis GitHub
Individual Researcher. Mentor: Melinda C. Miller (Virginia Tech)
2020.8 – 2020.12

Why top 30 universities are top 30? Quantitative analysis on rankings of universities GitHub
Team Leader. Mentor: Chris North (Virginia Tech)
2020.8 – 2020.12


China Tower Xi’an Branch GitHub
Software Develop Engineer, Data Analytic group leader.
2021.2 – 2021.7

China Mobile (Shaanxi) Cloud Computing Center
Data Science and After-sale Technical Problem Fix group attendee
Summer 2019

CV here
